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  • Health & Safety (21)
  • Business Skills (6)
  • Health & Social Care (3)
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing (3)
  • Hospitality (2)
  • ADHD Awareness

    Approved by CPD

    CPD Units: 2

    45 mins*

    ADHD is a chronic condition that creates a range of persistent symptoms such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. The course covers the definitions of ADHD, the different types of ADHD and how to recognise some key signs and symptoms. It'll also talk about how ADHD is diagnosed and treated, and offer some useful information about how to live with ADHD.


  • Asbestos Awareness - IATP

    Approved by IATP

    65 mins*

    As well as informing you about the risks of working with asbestos, the course will deliver a lot more information about: Recognising asbestos, where it's used, minimising the risks and the legislation about working with asbestos.


  • Banksman Training

    Approved by CPD

    CPD Units: 2

    40 mins*

    This course will cover common vehicle reversing accidents and the crucial role played by the banksman. It'll also look at the controls and actions that can reduce the likelihood of such accidents.


  • Basic Legionella Management

    Approved by CPD, Gatehouse Awards & IIRSM

    CPD Units: 3

    75 mins*

    This course explains the background to Legionella, the potential risks associated with water systems and how these can be prevented or controlled. It helps you to understand the risk that Legionella poses and helps you develop the systems and working practices you need to stay ahead. It gives you enough knowledge to get a Legionella control programme off the ground yourself – or make confident, informed choices when commissioning others to take this on for you.


  • Covid-19 Safe Workplaces

    Approved by CPD & IIRSM

    CPD Units: 2

    30 mins*

    This course explores the risk to workers caused by the Covid-19 virus and covers actions that can be taken by employers and employees to protect themselves and each other as they return to work. The content of this course is based on the latest information from the UK government and the NHS.


  • Cyber Security

    Approved by CPD & IIRSM

    CPD Units: 2

    25 mins*

    Employees, managers and directors should all have a good understanding of the threat posed by cyber-attacks and the importance of guarding against data breaches. This short course will explain why cyber attacks and data breaches happen and provide practical advice on how to set up effective defences.


  • Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

    Approved by CPD & IIRSM

    CPD Units: 2

    20 mins*

    When people have good mental health, they are more likely to fulfil their potential. That means they enjoy work and cope easily with work situations. They have a happy family life and good social relationships. This course covers the steps that organisations should consider when developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace Mental Health Policy.


  • Drug and Alcohol Awareness

    Approved by CPD, Institute of Hospitality & IIRSM

    CPD Units: 3

    80 mins*

    This course is intended to provide you with the information you need to understand and spot the signs of drug and alcohol misuse. It covers the legal and social implications for the individual and for your company if you find out an employee is misusing drugs. This course discusses the law, different types of drugs, and policies that can be put in place to protect yourself, your business and your employees.


  • Emergency First Aid at Work For Irish Audiences

    Approved by IIRSM

    150 mins*

    What is Emergency First Aid? Well it’s exactly that, the first aid to be offered if an incident occurs. Not many of us are confronted with scenes of blood and gore in our everyday lives – so usually first aid could be as simple as sticking a plaster on a small cut. But what if you did find yourself confronted with a more serious situation. This Emergency aid course will highlight some of the most common situations that you might come across and the actions that you can take to help.


  • Environmental Awareness

    Approved by CPD

    CPD Units: 2

    60 mins*

    This online course aims to increase your awareness of major environmental issues and provide an introduction to environmental management systems.


  • Fire Doors

    40 mins*

    This short course provides you with an introduction to fire doors in the workplace and why they play an important part in fire safety planning. It’ll also look at the different types of fire doors and importance of fire door maintenance.


  • Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome

    Approved by CPD

    CPD Units: 2

    40 mins*

    This short course provides you with an introduction to Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, otherwise known as HAVS. You will learn about the symptoms and consequences of the disorder along with the risks, responsibilities and laws.


  • Hot Works

    30 mins*

    This short course provides you with an introduction to hot work, the hazards associated with it and controls that can be put in place to minimise these hazards.


  • Ladder Safety

    40 mins*

    This short course provides a detailed exploration into ladder safety. You will learn about the different types of ladders, how to check and secure a ladder, and what a competent person looks at during a ladder inspection along with the laws that govern ladder safety.


  • Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment (Leading to CSCS Green Card)

    Approved by ETA Awards

    Health & Safety is a significant concern. Everyone has an essential role to play in reducing deaths and accidents at work. Failure to meet the requirements of Health and Safety regulations carries serious consequences so understanding these requirements is vital. This course is aimed at those starting out in the construction industry and provides an introduction to some of the key aspects of health and safety on and around construction sites. It can be taken along with the accredited exam to provide you with a recognised qualification that can form part of your CSCS card application.


  • Licensed Premises Staff Training

    Approved by CPD & Institute of Hospitality

    CPD Units: 2

    60 mins*

    This course is aimed at anyone that works on licensed premises and gives them an overview of key topics relating to UK licencing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.


  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)

    28 mins*

    This short course provides you with an introduction to the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, otherwise known as LOLER.


  • Lock Out, Tag Out (LOTO)

    25 mins*

    This course provides an overview of Lockout/tagout (LOTO) - the safety practices and procedures that ensure dangerous machines are properly shut off during service, repair or maintenance.


  • Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing

    Approved by CPD

    CPD Units: 3

    90 mins*

    This course explains the key elements, procedures and activities involved in successful Occupational Health and Safety Management in the workplace. The course show how professional Occupational Health and Safety Management benefits individuals and organisations.


  • Preparation for the CITB Health, Safety and Environment Test

    Approved by CPD

    CPD Units: 3

    120 mins*

    This course is for candidates who have completed their Level 1 Health and Safety in a Construction Environment course and want to prepare for the touch screen test. The course reviews the key learning objectives of the Level 1 course and concludes with a 50 question test that has been produced in the style of the touch screen test.


  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)

    34 mins*

    This short course provides you with an introduction to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, otherwise known as PUWER. You will learn about the types of equipment that fall under this legislation along with the common hazards, equipment inspections and maintenance.


*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions